Qlife to participate in investor presentations in September 2022
Qlife will participate in two investor days in September where the company's CEO Thomas Warthoe presents the company and gives his comments on recent events and upcoming activities.
September 26 at Stora Aktiedagen in Lund
Venue: Elite Hotel Ideon
Time: 08.30-09.00
The presentation will be held in English and the event is open to the public, as well as live-streamed and availalble on demand at https://www.youtube.com/Aktiespararna
September 27 at Redeye Theme Diagnostics (digital)
Venue: Redeye
Time: 09.10-09.30
The presentations will be held in English and is available live-streamed and availalble on demand for Redeye members at https://www.redeye.se/events/846227/redeye-theme-diagnostics
Investors, analysts and the media need to sign up for each event. The presentations will be available at each organizer.