2023-04-05 11:24


Qlife Holding AB’s Annual report 2022 is enclosed and is from today available on the company’s website, www.qlifeholding.com

The full report is available in English at the following url.:


Qlife has changed to English as the sole language for market communication and only the legally required part of the annual report has been prepared in Swedish.


It is the Swedish version that has been audited and in case of differences between the English and the Swedish version of the annual accounts the Swedish version prevails.

As Qlife Holding AB’s shares are currently trading at a market cap below the recorded value of Qlife’s Danish subsidiary on the balance sheet the auditors have consequently signed the auditors report with the following  remark: ”We have neither approved nor disapproved that the income statement and balance sheet for the parent company and the group are adopted.”

The financial result presented in the annual report has been changed relative to the Q4 interim report by an inventory write down of kSEK 9,481.

This write-down relates to reagents for COVID-19 tests that the company in light of the recently announced arbitration proceedings with Aidian won’t be able to sell before expiry in April 2023.

wkr0006.pdf (1.4 MB) Qlife_AnnualReport_SE_2022_signed.pdf (257.92 KB)